Ornith Music

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8 March 2017 - Things are coming together!

Several wonderful things to share with you, friends! I am fortunate enough to be able to travel quite a bit doing what I do. I am constantly reminded of how talented my friends and colleagues are, and I try to celebrate as much as I can how lucky I feel to be in the circle I'm in. Last Sunday, I caught the first part of the University Of North Texas Opera's presentation of A Little Night Music, but due to an unforeseen squirrel incident, the show was cancelled. Apparently, it's not wholly infrequent that a rodent to disable the campus from time to time. Huh.


I WAS able, however, to catch a show at Killer's Tacos with the dudes in Zero Detail and Rogues Among Us. My old college buddies Mark and Bradley fronted their groups, and it was everything I'd hoped it would be. Carthy is set to play with ZD in a few weeks, and seeing as how these guys are fresh to playing live, I wanted to get out there, show my support, and see these guys tear it down. There were some other bands from around Texas at the taco shop, and I was blown away at how great everyone played and how friendly and supportive everyone was. The staff, the patrons, and all of the band members were super kind and helpful, and a hell of a show was put on.

I am constantly moving around and taking part in different projects, so as more time passes, I will be posting a few different collaborative projects I'm working on. You may hear more from me than just pots and pans!

I'm still hot on recording podcasts and scheduling other folks. If you're still interested in talking with me OR you're newly interested, please drop me a line! Any and all musical topics are welcome, and any sort of analog (dance, art, theatre, etc.) are certainly celebrated and discussed!

Lastly, I'd love to hear from each and everyone of you! If you have a comment about the website, the media, a post, a piece, or anything like that, please feel free to use any of the methods listed below


Twitter: @ArsPura

Instagram: InfiniteAgelessInkwell




Much love, you guys! Here are some important links for your jammin'.


https://roguesamongus.bandcamp.com/ - Rogues. Check out their new EP, Analysis Paralysis

https://www.facebook.com/zerodetailmusic - Zero Detail - New group ready to jam. They're releasing new EP tracks over the next few weeks, so be sure to check them out.

www.CarthyMusic.com - We in Carthy are getting ready to make our summer and yours one to remember!


Thanks for your time, and I love you all!


Be Good.

