Summer 2017
It's been a busy summer so far! Lots of good stuff has happened, so I'll divide this post up so I remember to get everything!
First, I've been sketching like crazy getting ready for next fall and starting graduate school at Sam. I'm lucky enough to get to make a game plan and interface with Dr. Kyle Kindred somewhat regularly and I'm more excited to get started every day. It's such a privilege to work with him, and I also look forward to studying with Drs. Murphy-Manley and Aschauer as well.
Next, I've had a wonderful time this summer with HITS Theatre down in The Heights. Several runs of Peter Pan Jr. and a run of Side Show with the older kids have been extremely well-received and I think looks like the kids have so much fun! Even though it's children's theatre, I've learned a lot about the medium from Dr. Kindred, Santry Rush, Marley Wisnoski, Ronnie Blaine, and the rest of the talented staff there. I'm super grateful to be able to spend my summers playing good music with great people!
Other playing endeavours have been fulfilling as well. I've played a house show with the guys in Zero Detail, as well as hit the drawing board. Exciting things are coming from Bread's Lair very soon!
I'm back at Dosey Doe with Joe on the first Monday of each month, so check us out!
You can catch me on Tuesdays helping with the Restoration ministry at the Woodlands Church at 7p. Thanks to Keith Malonson for having me out to provide drums for a worthwhile cause!
Space City Performing Arts has a great season planned, and it starts soon! I'm planning a chamber music event schedule for January, and I'm looking for performers and composers. If you're interested, please shoot me an email!
if you've been watching, you may have noticed that Music In Out World has taken a short hiatus. I've decided to take some time to focus on the transition to more regular work for me. Expect the fall to see a return to a regular podcast schedule!
I'm stoked to announce that I've been offered a position with Apple, which is a huge get for me. I've been applying since I was 18, and now I'm finally on! I start training in the first week of August.
Finally, my collection of merch had begun! I have some killer stickers for sale! Check out the merch page and pick one up!
Thank you, lovely people, for your interest and support, and I'll be sure to update you all as more excellent things happen!