18 February 2017 - The Blue Giraffe and Friends

I've played the quaint little coffee house in Spring a few times now, and every time is an interesting time. The dudes in Carthy fit the cumbersome five-piece in the inside stage. It was cozy to say the least, but the energy was definitely there. What made it especially cool for me, though, was the amount of folks who came to see me play. Since I've become a professional performer, I've rationalised that not every show is going to have a John Paddie fan club. Indeed, for a while, I played months in a row without anyone I knew in the audience at all. Saturday was different for sure. The stars aligned for me in such a way that I was able to jam in front of friends, colleagues, and family all in the same place. New connections were made, great times were had, and I actually walked out of there with some unexpected scratch. I want to thank mom, uncle Ralph and aunt Deb, Brandon, Adrienne, David, and Desiree for coming out. Bradley from Zero Detail/Rogues Among Us had some really nice compliments for the band, and Harley and the crew were gracious hosts as always.

I also want to thank everyone who allows me to share the stage with them at any point for any reason. Music is important to me, and being able to share my world with others is a valuable and fulfilling experience for me. Check out my friends page and see what else all these wonderful people are up to!

Until next time,


be good!

